A Tour in Wang Group's Lab

A lab tour given by Viktoria Tepper, Yang Yue and Guangyu Qiu. They will tell you about sampling of airborne pollutants, detection and quantification of antibiotic resistance bacteria in air, risk evaluation of viruses and particulate matter to human lung cells, and biosensors for airborne pathogen detection. The video was recorded and edited by Xiaole Zhang.
Sino-Swiss Joint Laboratory Established during Federal Councillor Cassis’ visit in China
Air Quality and Particle Technology (APT) Laboratory of ETH Zurich and Empa has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEECAS) to establish a Sino-Swiss Joint Laboratory for Air Quality Research. Prof. Dr. Jing Wang on behalf of APT and Prof. Dr. Junji Cao on behalf of IEECAS signed the MOU on April 4th, 2018, which coincided with Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis’ visit in China. Councillor Cassis toured IEECAS and expressed strong interests in the ongoing research. The collaboration of APT and IEECAS will focus on air quality and aerosol research, including atmospheric aerosols characterization and observation, air quality modeling, and pollution mitigation technologies. A collaboration project involving PSI, IEECAS, and APT sponsored by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has started aiming at improving air quality in China.